It’s hard to believe that my blog’s viewers have risen to five-hundred. Although many outstanding bloggers out there have got millions, which eclipse mine so much, what I’m about to say is, that one should depend on genuine ability as well as fortune to gain more viewers.
I’ve started to focus on my Pixnet blog since this August. Despite the fact that I signed up Pixnet long time ago, I didn’t work hard on my blog so that it’d been deserted. Now that an idea occurred to me, I came up with this oblivious blog, embarking on it seriously. I tried to imagine the form of this blog, to contemplate the layout and to think ways so as to own more viewers. Within this whole month, I browsed my blog every day regularly, watched the subtle change of viewers, and of course checked the incorrectness in every article.
Art&Literature is the theme that I chose for my blog. It profoundly corresponds to my hobby, including reading, music listening, series watching, and so forth. Among these, I’m willing to share my opinion, and record the reflection at the same time without writing it down on paper. (though it’s not bad to write down directly) Since I’m still a beginner, reaching five-hundred nevertheless makes me ecstatic. This kind of self-comfort allows me to realize I’ve been seen, as a result I should put much more effort into the maintenance of blog’s quality. Even, transcend it, expanding the content but not getting away from the core of this blog’s theme.
Actually, I don’t really concern about my genuine ability because of my self-confidence in writing. What I care the most is the lack of experience and the crucial fortunes. In this month, I have browsed lots of bloggers sharing tips to allure more viewers. If we could make use of the resources and more accesses, we shouldn’t be worried sick about our future. Maybe someone would ask what the purpose is for blogs. As any of us can see, it isn’t able to earn money, so what is typing such many words for? I just want to tell him or her, I would like to ascertain my existence, and I would like to let people feel what I feel, so I take it seriously, never thinking of making a great deal of fortune. I only share my own life experience and feeling in alias Brian. This motivation urges me to complete dozens of texts one by one, so with all due respect, isn’t blog a pretty good thing?
I want myself to write another similar one when viewers reach to a thousand. May all of the bloggers gradually have your viewers added, and simultaneously keep the level of articles! Best wishes for you and I.