" It isn't easy to say goodbye
But I know it's only for a little while
Run up ahead and I will catch up
'Cause I'm gonna see you when tomorrow comes "
今天要推薦的是今年25歲的年輕美國歌手Colton Dixon的新專輯《Identity》中的動人歌曲〈The Other Side〉。Colton Dixon是美國節目《American Idol》第十一季的第七名,他的曲風主要是搖滾和流行,多數充滿了基督教的概念。
[Verse 1]
Everybody's dressed in black / 每個人穿著喪服
The preacher's saying life goes too fast / 聽著牧師感嘆生命的短暫
The memories have turned to tears / 想起那些回憶 淚水不禁濕了眼眶
Thinking back on all the years / 不知不覺沉入過去的時光
I know that you're in a better place / 我知道你現在一定過得很好
But I'm still here missing you today / 但我還是想念你
It isn't easy to say goodbye / 和一個人道別不容易
But I know it's only for a little while / 但我相信這只是短暫的別離
Run up ahead and I will catch up / 雖然你先走一步 但我很快就會追上
'Cause I'm gonna see you when tomorrow comes / 我多想馬上再見你一面
On the other side / 在另一個世界裡
On the other side / 在那一片樂土上
[Verse 2]
I bet you feel you're finally home / 我猜你在那找到了歸屬感
Running down those streets of gold / 奔馳在金色的道路上
The kind of peace you can't explain / 享受著無法言喻的平靜
Looking into Jesus' face / 瞻仰著耶穌的容貌
I know that you're in a better place / 我知道你現在一定過得很好
I know I'll be joining you someday / 我也知道 未來我會和你重逢
It isn't easy to say goodbye / 和一個人道別不容易
But I know it's only for a little while / 但我相信這只是短暫的別離
Run up ahead and I will catch up / 雖然你先走一步 但我很快就會追上
'Cause I'm gonna see you when tomorrow comes / 我多想馬上再見你一面
On the other side / 在另一個世界裡
Where there are no more goodbyes / 那裡不再有生離死別
No more pain, no more tears left to cry / 也不再有痛楚和眼淚
We will join with the angels singing their song / 我們會和天使歌唱
Praising our savior, all the day long / 時時刻刻讚頌我們的主
It isn't easy to say goodbye / 和一個人道別不容易
But I know it's only for a little while / 但我相信這只是短暫的別離
Run up ahead and I will catch up / 雖然你先走一步 但我很快就會追上
'Cause I'm gonna see you when tomorrow comes / 我多想馬上再見你一面
On the other side / 在另一個世界裡
On the other side / 在那一片樂土上
On the other side / 在另一個世界裡
On the other side / 在那一片樂土上