Chord Overstreet - Hold On.jpg


" Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you 
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right 
I swear to love you all my life "


推薦這首〈Hold On〉給大家,由28歲的Chord Overstreet所演唱。Chord最早為人所知是因為2011年起參演知名影集《歡樂合唱團Glee》一角,後來在2016年釋出他第一支單曲〈Homeland〉,2017年釋出最新單曲,也就是這首〈Hold On〉。










[Verse 1]
Loving and fighting / 兩心相愛 兩人相離
Accusing, denying / 一方指認 一方否認
I can't imagine a world with you gone / 我無法想像沒有妳的世界
The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of / 心裡五味雜陳 充滿餘念
I'd be so lost if you left me alone / 如果妳離我而去 我必定失了方向
You locked yourself in the bathroom / 妳把自己關在廁所裡
Lying on the floor when I break through / 當我破門 妳委身在地
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat / 我只好將妳抱緊 感受妳的心跳
Can you hear me screaming "please don't leave me" / 但妳有沒有聽到我對妳的挽留?

Hold on, I still want you / 先別走 我想要妳的陪伴
Come back, I still need you / 回來吧 我需要妳在身邊
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right / 讓我握住妳的手 再相信我一次
I swear to love you all my life / 我發誓我會用生命去愛妳
Hold on, I still need you / 所以別走了 我不能沒有妳

[Verse 2]
Long endless highway, you're silent beside me / 漫漫長路 身邊的妳如此沉默
Driving a nightmare I can't escape from / 我彷彿陷入惡夢的牢籠
Helplessly praying, the light isn't fading / 在殘存的燈光下 我無助地祈求
Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones / 骨子裡充滿著恐懼與悲傷
They took you away on a table / 妳似乎還是決定離我而去
I pace back and forth as you lay still / 當我心急如焚 妳卻冷漠如冰
They pull you in to feel your heartbeat / 好想感受妳的心跳
Can you hear me screaming, "please don't leave me" / 但妳有沒有聽到我對妳的挽留?

Hold on, I still want you / 先別走 我想要妳的陪伴
Come back, I still need you / 回來吧 我需要妳在身邊
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right / 讓我握住妳的手 再相信我一次
I swear to love you all my life / 我發誓我會用生命去愛妳
Hold on, I still need you / 所以別走了 我不能沒有妳

I don't wanna let go / 我不想妳離開
I know I'm not that strong / 我知道我並不可靠
I just wanna hear you / 但我只想親口聽妳說:
Saying baby, let's go home / 「親愛的,我們回家吧。」 
Let's go home / 我們回家吧
I just wanna take you home / 我只想帶妳回家

Hold on, I still want you / 先別走 我想要妳的陪伴
Come back, I still need you / 所以別走了 我還是無法沒有妳



    創作者 布萊n 的頭像


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