" We're bumper cars, bumper cars
The more I try to get to you
The more we crash apart "
今天要推薦給大家的是來自美國的雙人組合Alex&Sierra演唱的〈Bumper Cars〉,其實我自己從以前就非常喜歡他們的歌曲,但由於他們已經有一陣子沒有新曲,時常會被我遺忘在手機歌單之中,最近偶然翻出來再聽一次,果然還是特別喜愛。
這對雙人組分別是Alex Kinsey跟Sierra Deaton,兩人是情侶關係,參加選秀節目《The X Factor US》得到第三季的冠軍,這也是該節目首度由雙人組合拿到冠軍。兩人在2014年發了首張專輯《It's About Us》,裏面尚有許多或動人或輕快的歌曲,值得大家去聆聽看看。
這首歌〈Bumper Cars〉所要表達的未必是一段戀人,也可能是一段友誼,更甚者某人對於某事的感受,當兩方越是靠近,卻只能得到反效果,迫使兩方分開,而且投注的心力越多,分崩離析的勁道也就越強。〈Bumper Cars〉用很簡單的比喻和文字,很深刻的刻畫出任何一種情況下的反作用力,不知道大家聽這首歌的時候,有沒有想到什麼類似的經驗呢?
[Verse 1]
Can't help wondering / 我不自覺好奇
What you're thinking / 你到底在想些什麼
Wherever you are / 無論你在哪裡
Late night movies / 午夜電影
Careless drinking / 縱情飲酒
To cover these scars / 只為了掩住傷疤
[Pre-Chorus 1]
And as much as I wanna be with you / 我多麼想和你在一起
I know / 但我知道
You and me, we're bumper cars / 我們就像兩台碰碰車
The more I try to get to you / 我越是想靠近你
The more we crash apart / 就越讓我們分離
Round and round we chase the sparks / 我們追逐著短暫的火花
But all that seems to lead to / 但這一切只是讓彼此
Is a pile of broken parts / 變得更加支離破碎
We're bumper cars, bumper cars / 我們就像兩台碰碰車
The more I try to get to you / 我越是想靠近你
The more we crash apart / 就越讓我們分離
[Verse 2]
Good intentions / 我的這些疑問
All these questions / 都是出自於善意
I'm sitting alone / 我獨自一人坐著
All roads since you / 因為你 眼前的道路
Are wrong directions / 似乎通往他處
I'll never get home / 引我走向不歸路
[Pre-Chorus 2]
And it's making me wanna be with you / 這讓我想跟你在一起
I know / 但我知道
You and me, we're bumper cars / 我們就像兩台碰碰車
The more I try to get to you / 我越是想靠近你
The more we crash apart / 就越讓我們分離
Round and round we chase the sparks / 我們追逐著短暫的火花
But all that seems to lead to / 但這一切只是讓彼此
Is a pile of broken parts / 變得更加支離破碎
We're bumper cars, bumper cars / 我們就像兩台碰碰車
The more I try to get to you / 我越是想靠近你
The more we crash apart / 就越讓我們分離
This was supposed to be fun / 這一切本該充滿趣味
This was supposed to be the one / 本應是獨一無二的
Maybe we stayed too long / 但也許我們拖了太久
Maybe we played all wrong / 也許我們用錯方式
This was supposed to be good / 這一切本該如此美好
But I know, I know / 但我知道...我明白
You and me, we're bumper cars / 我們就像兩台碰碰車
The more I try to get to you / 我越是想靠近你
The more we crash apart / 就越讓我們分離
Round and round we chase the sparks / 我們追逐著短暫的火花
But all that seems to lead to / 但這一切只是讓彼此
Is a pile of broken parts / 變得更加支離破碎
We're bumper cars, bumper cars / 我們就像兩台碰碰車
The more I try to get to you / 我越是想靠近你
The more we crash apart / 就越讓我們分離
We're bumper cars, bumper cars / 我們就像兩台碰碰車
The more I try to get to you / 我越是想靠近你
The more we crash apart / 就越讓我們分離