
Lea Michele - On My Way.jpg


" And my heart's too drunk to drive
I should stay away from you, tonight 
But in this blacked out state of mind 
Baby, all I want is you, tonight "


今天要推薦的是個人很喜歡的美國歌手Lea Michele演唱的〈On My Way〉,這首歌出自她2014的專輯《Louder》之中。


之前我有簡單介紹過Lea Michele這位具有實力的新生代女聲&她的新歌〈Run To You〉,可以點下面連結聽聽↓

→→Lea Michele - Run To You(歌手簡介&歌詞翻譯)←←


這首〈On My Way〉是我幾年前在網路上偶然翻找到的歌曲,沒想到第一次聽就愛上了Lea的聲音跟這首歌的旋律,非常熱情的一首歌,但是聽久了不會覺得太油膩。





1. barb-wire (n.) 中文譯為「鐵刺網」,也就是常常在外國電影中可以看到圍在監獄外面一圈的那種網子。

2. be caught in the rain (phr.) 直譯為「中途遇到下雨,可是沒帶傘或找不到躲雨處。」 在此引申為遭遇到突如其來的事件,毫無防備。

3. black out (phr.) 本意為「停電」,也可以用來形容「腦袋發昏;兩眼昏黑」。

4. dead-end road/street (n.) 就是中文說的「死路一條;死胡同」,看路的大小可以使用"street"或"road"。






[Verse 1]
My words are wrapped in barb-wire / 想說的話如同被刺網包覆
My actions speak for what I can't say / 我只好用實際行動來表達
Cause I fall one step forward / 只要我再輕跌向前
To push you away, push you away / 就會把你推開 把你推遠

I wish that I could listen / 我希望至少自己能做到
To all the advice that I give away / 當初給別人的種種意見
But it's hard to see things clearly / 然而一切撲朔迷離 難以看透
Through all of the pain, all of the pain / 特別是身感痛楚之中

I'm caught in the rain, caught in the rain / 這一切突如其來 我毫無防備

And my heart's too drunk to drive / 我心已醉 昏沉迷亂
I should stay away from you, tonight / 今夜我本該遠離你
But in this blacked out state of mind / 但是現在的我腦袋一片空白
Baby, all I want is you, tonight / 親愛的 今晚我只想跟你作伴
When my head tells me no, my heart tells me go slow / 就算我的理智阻止我
I'm hitting the road cause I / 我仍然催動油門上路
I know my heart's too drunk to drive / 雖然我知道自己醉眼迷濛
But I'm on my way to you / 我還是不顧一切 駛向了你
Yeah, I'm on my way to you, you / 我不管怎樣 向你而去
To you, tonight, I'm on my way / 今夜 我駛向你
To you, you, to you, I'm on my way to you / 我無論如何 向你前驅

[Verse 2]
Yeah, there's a million voices / 腦袋有千萬種聲音
Screaming that this love's a dead-end road / 警告我這段愛情不會有好結果
But the only voice that I hear is telling me go, telling me go / 但是有個聲音卻叫我一意孤行
The sun is rising sober / 天亮時分 我也酒醒了
While passion fades and I'm on my own / 熱情撤退 只剩我獨自一人
My helpless heart's hungover / 我無助的內心仍然不斷作祟
I'm all out of hope, all out of hope / 眼前希望渺茫 我無依無靠
Where do we go? Where do we go? / 我們該何去何從? 何去何從?

Cause' my heart's too drunk to drive / 我心已醉 昏沉迷亂
I should stay away from you, tonight / 今夜我本該遠離你
But in this blacked out state of mind / 但是現在的我腦袋一片空白
Baby, all I want is you, tonight / 親愛的 今晚我只想跟你作伴
When my head tells me no, my heart tells me go slow / 就算我的理智阻止我
I'm hitting the road cause I / 我仍然催動油門上路
I know my heart's too drunk to drive / 雖然我知道自己醉眼迷濛
But I'm on my way to you / 我還是不顧一切 駛向了你
Yeah, I'm on my way to you, you / 我不管怎樣 向你而去
To you, tonight, I'm on my way / 今夜 我駛向你
To you, you, to you, I'm on my way to you / 我無論如何 向你前驅

And no wise words can stop me / 沒有人能夠阻止我
I'm passed the point of no return / 現在我說什麼也不會回頭
No matter how it hurts me / 不管最後會傷得多痛
I'm running to you, running to you / 我仍要向你而去 向你前驅

And my heart's too drunk to drive / 我心已醉 昏沉迷亂
I should stay away from you, tonight / 今夜我本該遠離你
But in this blacked out state of mind / 但是現在的我腦袋一片空白
Baby, all I want is you, tonight / 親愛的 今晚我只想跟你作伴
When my head tells me no, my heart tells me go slow / 就算我的理智阻止我
I'm hitting the road cause I / 我仍然催動油門上路
I know my heart's too drunk to drive / 雖然我知道自己醉眼迷濛
But I'm on my way to you / 我還是不顧一切 駛向了你
Yeah, I'm on my way to you, you / 我不管怎樣 向你而去
To you, tonight, I'm on my way / 今夜 我駛向你
To you, you, to you, I'm on my way to you / 我無論如何 向你前驅

    創作者 布萊n 的頭像


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