" When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream "
今天要介紹的歌曲來自美國搖滾樂團We The Kings,目前由五名團員組成,2005年成軍到現在,發行過六張專輯,也得過不少獎項肯定。
We The Kings的歌有些我還滿喜歡的,例如〈Say You Like Me〉、〈See You In My Dreams〉等等,這個團體的歌曲輕鬆自在,沒有過多的技巧,也沒有太極端的個性,很適合偶爾拿來發洩情緒。
這首〈We'll Be A Dream〉來自2010年他們的第二章專輯《Smile Kid》,也邀來極具爆發力的Demi Lovato一起演唱這首歌。
[Verse 1]
Do you remember the nights we / 你是否還記得那些夜晚
Stayed up, just laughing / 我們徹夜歡笑到天明
Smiling for hours at anything? / 連芝麻小事都能成為笑料
Remember the nights we / 你是否還記得那些夜裡
Drove around crazy in love? / 我們出外兜風 我們為愛痴狂
When the lights go out / 就算光線褪去
We'll be safe and sound / 我們仍會安然無恙
We'll take control of the world / 我們會掌握全世界
Like it's all we have to hold on to / 如同這世界為我們所有
And we'll be a dream / 而我們也將成為夢想中的自己
[Verse 2]
Do you remember the nights we / 你是否還記得那些夜晚
Made our way dreaming / 我們不斷幻想
Hoping of being someone big? / 成為了不起的人物
We were so young then / 那時我們都還年輕
We were too crazy in love / 我們只管愛得轟轟烈烈
When the lights go out / 就算光線褪去
We'll be safe and sound / 我們仍會安然無恙
We'll take control of the world / 我們會掌握全世界
Like it's all we have to hold on to / 如同這世界為我們所有
And we'll be a dream / 而我們也將成為夢想中的自己
When the lights go out / 就算光線褪去
We'll be safe and sound / 我們仍會安然無恙
We'll take control of the world / 我們會掌握全世界
Like it's all we have to hold on to / 如同這世界為我們所有
And we'll be... / 而我們也將...
When the lights go out / 就算光線褪去
We'll be safe and sound / 我們仍會安然無恙
We'll take control of the world / 我們會掌握全世界
Like it's all we have to hold on to / 如同這世界為我們所有
And we'll be a dream / 而我們也將成為夢想中的自己