" And I love you more
More than you'll ever know
And I need you more
More than you'll ever know
So, please don't misbehave with my heart "
今天要推薦大家的歌曲是來自Nathan Sykes2015年的〈More Than You'll Ever Know〉,之前布萊N就有介紹過這位前The Wanted樂團的團員,可以點下面的連結聽聽他的另外一首歌並且了解他的簡介↓
Nathan Sykes - Famous 成名在望 & 歌手簡介
[Verse 1]
Hey girl, I'm thinking of you/ 嘿女孩 我正想著妳
Get you home with me, and I wanna / 想把妳帶回家 然後
Hey, hey, hey ~
See girl, don't want another / 欸女孩 我只要妳一個
I'm down on my knees, ready to / 我求求妳了 我已經準備好
Hey, hey, hey ~
It's a cold, cold world / 這世界將多麼淒涼
When I'm without you / 如果沒有妳在身邊
Don't you know, know girl / 女孩 妳知道嗎
I'm lucky I found you / 能認識妳 是多麼幸運
And I love you more / 我愛妳愛得痴狂
More than you'll ever know / 遠超乎妳的想像
And I need you more / 我對妳極度渴求
More than you'll ever know / 遠超過妳的想像
So, please don't misbehave with my heart / 所以請別傷了我的心
[Verse 2]
Nothing can make me hate you / 沒有什麼能讓我對妳心生厭惡
You're the closest thing to heaven in nature / 妳恍若天使下凡 超脫世俗
Hey, hey, hey ~
No other man's gonna take you / 別的男人休想擁有妳
Coming over me, that's bad behavior / 快來我身邊 不要再使性子了
It's a cold, cold world / 這世界將多麼淒涼
When I'm without you / 如果沒有妳在身邊
Don't you know, know girl / 女孩 妳知道嗎
I'm lucky I found you / 能認識妳 是多麼幸運
And I love you more, oh / 我愛妳愛得痴狂 喔
More than you'll ever know / 遠超乎妳的想像
Said I need you more, oh / 我說 我對妳極度渴求 喔
More than you'll ever know / 遠超過妳的想像
So, please, don't misbehave with my heart / 所以請別傷了我的心
And please don't misbehave when it's dark / 也別暗地裡讓我心傷
I love you more / 我愛妳愛得痴狂
More than you'll ever know / 遠超乎妳的想像
So please, please / 所以請別 請別
Take it down for me baby... / 寶貝 快拋下妳的矜持吧
Hey, hey, hey ~
Baby, get it up / 寶貝 歡樂點吧
Get it up for me baby... / 快跟我一起快活吧 寶貝
I love you more / 我愛妳愛得痴狂
More than you'll ever know / 遠超乎妳的想像
And I need you more / 我對妳極度渴求
More than you'll ever know / 遠超過妳的想像
I love you more / 我愛妳愛得痴狂
More than you'll ever know / 遠超乎妳的想像
Said I need you more / 我說 我對妳極度渴求
More than you'll ever know / 遠超過妳的想像
I love you more / 我愛妳愛得痴狂