" You lost that right, to hold that crown
I built you up, but you let me down
So when you fall, I'll take my turn
And fan the flames as your blazes burn "
前幾天Linkin Park聯合公園的主唱Chester Bennington的消息想必震驚了全世界各國的粉絲,我也不例外。
那天早上醒來一打開臉書,滿滿的R.I.P.充斥在每一則新聞裡面,真是令人不敢置信。說起Linkin Park,他們的確是在我初接觸英文歌世界時期很重要的搖滾樂團,也是我去戲院支持《變形金剛》系列其中一個動力。那些經典的主題曲〈What I've Done〉,〈New Divide〉,〈Iridescent〉等等,還有這首我一直最愛的〈Burn It Down〉。
這首歌其實無論從歌詞或是旋律聽來,都是非常爽快的,Linkin Park有說過這首歌有非常多解釋的面向,而其中一種就是關於現代的名人與粉絲們之間的關係:粉絲們因為這些名人的歌好聽、戲演的好、做事做的棒而支持擁護,如同歌詞中的"We're building it up";然而當這些名人哪天傳出什麼負面的事情,就算根本是子虛烏有,粉絲們無論如何就開始轉為怒罵攻擊,如同歌詞中的"We can't wait to burn it to the ground"。
最後,不免俗地,感謝Chester為Linkin Park帶給我們那麼多美好的聲音,讓我們在許多低潮的時刻重新振作,我相信我永遠都會記得這樣一位重要的靈魂人物,願你在天上能夠克服心中的難關,繼續快樂的唱歌,將能量傳給所有人。May you rest in peace, Chester.
[Verse 1]
The cycle repeated / 循環又重新啟動
As explosions broke in the sky / 當天邊傳來爆破巨響之際
All that I needed / 我所需要的一切
Was the one thing I couldn't find / 卻怎麼都找不到
And you were there at the turn / 而你就站在那裏
Waiting to let me know / 等待著讓我明白
We're building it up / 我們聯合建立這一切
To break it back down / 正是為了將它摧殘毀滅
We're building it up / 我們共同築起這一切
To burn it down / 就是為了將它焚燒殆盡
We can't wait / 我們等不及
To burn it to the ground / 將它燒個一乾二淨
[Verse 2]
The colors conflicted / 色彩交錯紛呈
As the flames climbed into the clouds / 當火舌穿透雲霄之際
I wanted to fix this / 我本想修復這一切
But couldn't stop from tearing it down / 但止不住毀了它的衝動
And you were there at the turn / 而你就站在那裏
Caught in the burning glow / 被火光層層包圍
And I was there at the turn / 而我就站在那裏
Waiting to let you know / 等待著讓你明白
We're building it up / 我們聯合建立這一切
To break it back down / 正是為了將它摧殘毀滅
We're building it up / 我們共同築起這一切
To burn it down / 就是為了將它焚燒殆盡
We can't wait / 我們等不及
To burn it to the ground / 將它燒個一乾二淨
[Verse 3]
You told me yes, you held me high / 你假裝把我捧的好高
And I believed when you told that lie / 讓我相信你的偽善
I played soldier, you played king / 你一直對我頤指氣使
Struck me down, when I kissed that ring / 甚至毀了我難得的成就
You lost that right, to hold that crown / 你根本不該擁有這一切
I built you up, but you let me down / 我幫助你擁有今天 但你卻令我大失所望
So when you fall, I'll take my turn / 當你哪天摔下馬 我必當取你而代之
And fan the flames as your blazes burn / 毫不留情地為你火上澆油
And you were there at the turn / 而你就站在那裏
Waiting to let me know / 等待著讓我明白
We're building it up / 我們聯合建立這一切
To break it back down / 正是為了將它摧殘毀滅
We're building it up / 我們共同築起這一切
To burn it down / 就是為了將它焚燒殆盡
We can't wait / 我們等不及
To burn it to the ground / 將它燒個一乾二淨
[Bridge 2]
When you fall, I'll take my turn / 當你哪天摔下馬 我必當取你而代之
And fan the flames as your blazes burn / 毫不留情地為你火上澆油
We can't wait / 我們等不及
To burn it to the ground / 將它燒個一乾二淨
When you fall, I'll take my turn / 當你哪天摔下馬 我必當取你而代之
And fan the flames as your blazes burn / 毫不留情地為你火上澆油
We can't wait / 我們等不及
To burn it to the ground / 將它燒個一乾二淨