" So this is where we are
It's not where we had wanted to be
If half the world's gone mad
The other half just don't care, you see "
今天要推薦給大家的是Bastille的新歌〈World Gone Mad〉。相信大家對於Bastille(巴士底樂團)並不陌生,他們是英國的一個獨立流行搖滾樂團,由主唱Dan Smith領軍,團名會叫Bastille的原因,是因為Dan的生日剛好在7/14(巴士底日,法國大革命轉捩點)。這個樂團的知名歌曲有〈Pompeii〉、〈Things We Lost In Fire〉等等。
英國今年發生了不少悲劇,像是在Westminster、Manchester、London Bridge等等地方的重大傷亡事件,造成人民的恐慌,也導致仇視伊斯蘭勢力的風氣興起,間接導致人民分裂、世界不安寧。這首歌用一個感嘆的角度,赤裸裸地告訴我們這世界失控到什麼程度,而且可悲的是,我們無能為力讓世界變得更好。
[Verse 1]
So this is where we are / 這就是我們所在的世界
It's not where we had wanted to be / 而今落到這步田地
If half the world's gone mad / 如果半個世界漸漸失控
The other half just don't care, you see / 另一半的世界根本漠不關心
You don't want to fuck with us / 你不會想跟我們鬧翻的
British to the very last / 因為我們會堅持到底
When it feels like the world's gone mad / 當這個世界好像漸漸失控
And there's nothing you can do about it / 而你什麼也不能做
No there's nothing you can do about it / 對 你什麼也做不了
When it feels like the world's gone mad / 當這個世界好像漸漸失控
And there's nothing you can do about it / 而你什麼也改變不了
No there's nothing you can do about it / 對 你我都幫不上忙
[Verse 2]
So tell me what's the news / 告訴我些什麼吧
And what is it you want me to see / 你到底想讓我們目睹什麼
We're lying to ourselves / 我們不斷欺騙自己
And dancing by the light of the screen / 不斷被媒體和資訊操弄著
You don't want to fuck with us / 你不會想跟我們鬧翻的
British to the very last / 因為我們會堅持到底
When it feels like the world's gone mad / 當這個世界好像漸漸失控
And there's nothing you can do about it / 而你什麼也不能做
No there's nothing you can do about it / 對 你什麼也做不了
When it feels like the world's gone mad / 當這個世界好像漸漸失控
And there's nothing you can do about it / 而你什麼也改變不了
No there's nothing you can do about it / 對 你我都幫不上忙
[Verse 3]
Another man holding a microphone / 又一個拿著麥克風的人
Trying to say something at all / 試著要說些什麼
Or finding himself on an empty road / 或只是越加發現自己的孤獨
Trying to choose which way to go / 勉強逼自己選一條路走
So, you wanna make some money? / 所以 你寧願多賺點錢嗎
You wanna make some money / 你只想多拿點錢嗎
So, you wanna be somebody? / 你想成為那個誰嗎
You wanna make some money / 你寧願多拿點錢嗎
When it feels like the world's gone mad / 當這個世界好像漸漸失控
And there's nothing you can do about it / 而你什麼也不能做
No there's nothing you can do about it / 對 你什麼也做不了
When it feels like the world's gone mad / 當這個世界好像漸漸失控
And there's nothing you can do about it / 而你什麼也改變不了
No there's nothing you can do about it / 對 你我都幫不上忙