
Skillet - Lions.jpg


" By Your power, we will go 
By Your spirit, we are bold
If we're gonna stand, we stand as giants
If we're gonna walk, we walk as lions "





【點我聽歌】Skillet - Stars 繁星










[Verse 1]
Today we live, today we breathe / 我們活著 依然擁有呼吸
Today we know that we are strong when we are weak / 越是脆弱的時候 越顯現我們的堅強
Today we trust, we overcome / 我們擁有信仰 我們克服難關
Take every chain that kept us slaves and throw em' off / 將禁錮我們的枷鎖拋開

We're not waiting for permission / 我們無需等待別人允准
We defy our inhibition / 我們抵抗一切拘束
Like our middle name is "fearless" / 如同我們骨子裡的「無畏」
Unafraid / 我們無所畏懼

If we're gonna fly, we fly like eagles / 如果我們要飛 就要像老鷹一般
Arms out wide / 我們將展翅高飛
If we're gonna fear, we fear no evil / 就算我們害怕 也不會畏懼邪惡
We will rise / 我們將勇敢傲立
By Your power, we will go / 因祢之力 我們能勇往直前
By Your spirit, we are bold / 因祢之靈 我們將毫不懼怕
If we're gonna stand, we stand as giants / 我們要像巨人一般屹立不搖
If we're gonna walk, we walk as lions / 我們要像獅子一般威猛邁步
We walk as lions / 像猛獸一樣前驅

[Verse 2]
Today is ours, it's always been / 一直以來 我們主宰現在
Before we face the fight / 在兩方戰火交鋒之前
We know who's gonna win / 我們早就知道結局
We live by faith and not by sight / 我們為信仰而活 而非依靠自己的意志
We don't want safe and quiet / 我們不貪求安樂耽溺
We don't wanna run and hide / 也不希望一生奔波躲藏

[Pre-Chorus 2]
This is not an intermission / 現在不是中場休息
It's our time, not gonna miss it / 我們該上場了 怎麼能錯過
You've already called us fearless / 祢已然賦予我們勇氣
Unafraid / 讓我們無所畏懼

If we're gonna fly, we fly like eagles / 如果我們要飛 就要像老鷹一般
Arms out wide / 我們將展翅高飛
If we're gonna fear, we fear no evil / 就算我們害怕 也不會畏懼邪惡
We will rise / 我們將勇敢傲立
By Your power, we will go / 因祢之力 我們能勇往直前
By Your spirit, we are bold / 因祢之靈 我們將毫不懼怕
If we're gonna stand, we stand as giants / 我們要像巨人一般屹立不搖
If we're gonna walk, we walk as lions / 我們要像獅子一般威猛邁步
We walk as lions / 像猛獸一樣前驅

Oh, everywhere we go / 我們所到之處
The battle has been won / 都是勢如破竹
We know You've gone before us / 是祢在前頭引領著我們
So, we take it hard in faith / 所以 我們對祢深深崇信
With every step we take / 我們踏出的每一步
We know we'll rise victorious / 將崛起我們的勝利之路

If we're gonna fly, we fly like eagles / 如果我們要飛 就要像老鷹一般
Arms out wide / 我們將展翅高飛
If we're gonna fear, we fear no evil / 就算我們害怕 也不會畏懼邪惡
We will rise / 我們將勇敢傲立
By Your power, we will go / 因祢之力 我們能勇往直前
By Your spirit, we are bold / 因祢之靈 我們將毫不懼怕
If we're gonna stand, we stand as giants / 我們要像巨人一般屹立不搖
If we're gonna walk, we walk as lions / 我們要像獅子一般威猛邁步
We walk as lions / 像猛獸一樣前驅


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