今天聽到剛出爐的最新MV就立刻來翻譯了,我相信大家都對Nathan Sykes有種眼熟的感覺吧,今年的他才23歲而已,但他曾經可是我超喜歡的知名樂團The Wanted(渴望樂團)的一員喔!雖然已經解散了,可是Nathan還是持續致力於音樂,之前有兩首我極度~極度喜歡的歌曲,〈Over and over again〉以及〈More than you'll ever know〉,推薦大家去聽聽,漸漸喜歡上他童顏底下超齡的歌聲。
根據外國新聞所說,Nathan在寫這首歌的時候有想到前女友Ariana Grande而落淚,其實我滿訝異他們曾經是一對的XD
"There's one song called 'Famous' which is about what do I have to do to make someone I care about, care about me as much as I do them? It's basically saying 'do I have to be famous, will you only call me when I'm famous?'" 「專輯中有一首歌叫做『Famous』,這首歌是在講,我到底應該怎麼做才能讓我真心在乎的人也同樣真心的在乎我?這就好像歌詞講的:『難道我一定要成名之後,你們才會真心待我嗎?』」
歌詞的對象是一位女性吧,儘管我知道Nathan想要表達的意義,但是翻完歌詞之後發現,總覺得很多地方有點矛盾,為什麼他要問對方成名之後會不會call my name?然後又問對方你是不是真的在我成名之後才會call my name? 就這點而言,希望聰明的大家幫我解答,我只是照實地翻譯而已啦~
[Verse 1]
I really believe in love / 我真心相信愛情
I really believe in love that won't die / 我真心相信愛情不會凋萎
But no matter how hard I try / 但是無論我多麼努力
I just can't make you realize / 我就是無法讓妳明白
I've been here all alone / 我一直以來彷彿隻身一人
When it comes to me and you, no spotlight on / 在每次走下螢光幕 只剩下我和妳的時候
'Cause you always think that you can do better, better, better / 因為妳總是認為妳可以做的比我更好 更好 再好
But will you call me when I'm famous? / 然而如果我出名了 妳還會理我嗎?
When I'm famous / 當我成名之際
Would you call my name? / 不知道妳會不會理我?
Will you call me when I'm famous? / 如果我出名了 妳還會理我嗎?
When I'm famous / 當我有了名氣
Will you call my name? / 不知道妳會不會理我?
When I'm famous / 在我成名之際
[Verse 2]
What's a man gotta do to make you happy? / 我該怎麼做才能討妳歡心?
Is it all about the fortune and fame? / 難道妳只是為了我的名利嗎?
Would you care if they scream my name? / 如果粉絲們為我歡呼 妳會不會在意?
If they did I would still feel the same / 就算他們這樣 我依然愛著妳
I've been here all alone / 我一直以來彷彿隻身一人
When it comes to me and you, no spotlight on / 在每次走下螢光幕 只剩下我和妳的時候
'Cause you always think that you can do better, better, better / 因為妳總是認為妳可以做的比我更好 更好 再好
But will you call me when I'm famous? / 然而如果我出名了 妳還會理我嗎?
When I'm famous / 當我成名之際
Would you call my name? / 不知道妳會不會理我?
Will you call me when I'm famous? / 如果我出名了 妳還會理我嗎?
When I'm famous / 當我有了名氣
Will you call my name? / 不知道妳會不會理我?
When I'm famous / 在我成名之際
If I told you honestly / 如果我誠實告訴妳
Honestly, I don't believe / 其實 我並不相信這樣的愛情
You would take the diamond rings / 妳應該會錢拿一拿離我而去
Things that only fade overnight / 帶走那些稍縱即逝的一切
I would rather you and me / 我還寧願和妳一起
Living on another dream / 在夢的彼方共度
Make it a reality, and hopefully / 如果可以的話 讓這一切成真吧
You won't only call me when I'm famous(When I'm famous baby) / 妳不會只在我出名之後才理我吧(當我成名之際 寶貝)
When I'm famous / 當我成名之際
Would you call my name? / 不知道妳會不會理我?
(Would you call my name? Would you call, baby?) / (妳會理我嗎?妳會嗎?寶貝)
Will you call me when I'm famous, baby? / 如果我出名了 妳還會理我嗎?寶貝
Oh, when I'm famous / 喔~在我成名之際
Will you call my name?(Would you call my name?) / 妳會理我嗎?(妳會不會理我呢?)
Will you call me? Will you call me? / 妳會理我嗎?妳會理我嗎?
Will you call? Call my name / 妳會理我嗎? 理我一下吧
Will you call me? Will you call me? / 妳會理我嗎?妳會理我嗎?
Will you call? Call my name / 妳會理我嗎? 理我一下吧
I really believe in love / 我真心相信愛情
I really believe in love that won't die / 我真心相信愛情不會凋萎
And it can only get better, better, better / 這一切只會變得更美好 更好 更棒
When I'm famous / 在我成名之後