相信大家對Charlie Puth應該不陌生,從Youtube點閱率第二高的〈See You Again〉,到最近火紅的〈We Don't Talk Anymore〉,你都可以欣賞這位年輕歌手的才華,幾天前專輯中的〈Dangerously〉MV釋出,個人非常喜歡。
[Verse 1]
This is gonna hurt but I blame myself first / 我知道這場戀愛注定危險 這都要怪我
Cause I ignored the truth / 因為我不想面對現實
Drunk off that love, it fucked my head up / 即便我們的愛已經告吹 讓我身心消沉紛亂
There’s no forgetting you / 我還是無法將妳忘記
You’ve awoken me, but you’re choking me / 妳點燃我的愛火 但妳也讓我漸漸感到窒悶
I was so obsessed / 我深陷這段感情之中
Gave you all of me, and now honestly, I got nothing left / 我對妳無私的奉獻 但現在呢 我真正地一無所有
I loved you dangerously / 愛妳讓我在所不惜
More than the air that I breathe / 就算沒有了呼吸也無所謂
Knew we would crash at the speed that we were going / 我知道這段感情危險到隨時會瓦解
Didn’t care if the explosion ruined me / 但是我不在乎 即便天崩地裂
Baby, I loved you dangerously / 寶貝 愛妳讓我在所不惜
Mmmm, mmmm, I loved you dangerously / 嗯嗯~愛妳讓我在所不惜
[Verse 2]
Usually, I hold the power / 我通常主導著每一段感情
With both my hands tied behind my back / 即便偶有波折 我依然自有方法
Look at how things changed / 如今形勢完全對調
Cause now you’re the train and I’m tied to the track / 現在妳彷彿疾馳的列車 而我被妳牢牢掌控著
You’ve awoken me, but you’re choking me / 妳點燃我的愛火 但妳也讓我漸漸感到窒悶
I was so obsessed / 我深陷這段感情之中
Gave you all of me, and now honestly, I got nothing left / 我對妳無私的奉獻 但現在呢 我真正地一無所有
Cause I loved you dangerously / 愛妳讓我在所不惜
More than the air that I breathe / 就算沒有了呼吸也無所謂
Knew we would crash at the speed that we were going / 我知道這段感情危險到隨時會瓦解
Didn’t care if the explosion ruined me / 但是我不在乎 即便天崩地裂
Baby, I loved you dangerously / 寶貝 愛妳讓我在所不惜
You took me down, down, down, down / 妳讓我深深地沉浸在愛裡
And kissed my lips with goodbye / 如今卻輕輕地和我吻別
I see it now, now, now, now / 我現在才看清事實
It was a matter of time / 這只是時間早晚的問題而已
You know I know, there’s only one place this could lead / 我們彼此都明白 這段情的結局 從一開始就注定了
But you are the fire, I’m gasoline / 但當我們油火交織 便一發不可收拾
I love you, I love you, I love you / 我如此地愛著妳
I loved you dangerously /愛妳讓我在所不惜
Ooh, more than the air that I breathe / 喔 就算沒有了呼吸也無所謂
Oh now, knew we would crash at the speed that we were going / 現在 我知道這段感情危險到隨時會瓦解
Didn’t care if the explosion ruined me / 但是我不在乎 即便天崩地裂
Oh, oh baby, I loved you dangerously / 寶貝 愛妳讓我在所不惜
Mmmm, mmmm / 嗯~嗯~
Ooh, I loved you dangerously / 喔~愛妳讓我在所不惜
Ooh ooh, I loved you dangerously / 喔~喔~愛妳讓我在所不惜